
Monday 9 November 2015

Our buddies

We were lucky enough to be able to make four buddies in room 15. They're all off having their own adventures at the moment. We hope to hear from them soon.

Hard at work

Here we are working with our buddies researching! We are researching a question that interests us. We are going to be presenting our findings to the class.

Monday 14 September 2015

Introducing Our Buddies!

Check out these cool buddies we have created. As well as having our class buddy Caesar, we also have our own buddies! To read their stories check out our individual blogs and read what they are up to. 

Sunday 13 September 2015

Chapter 7 - My New House

When I looked at my new house I was amazed how good the house looked. Our house is a 2 storey house. At Lithopia my house was nowhere near as cool as my new home. My house was small and this house is twice the size of it! It’s colors are better because it has nice clean green grass. There’s no mega rat running anywhere around the house. I’m free from the mega rat trying to eat our food, chairs and bed. On the bottom of the house is brown and on the top of the house is white. I can’t wait to go inside and see my room.
By Alisi & Tapu..
Oh my gosh look at this house it’s sooo big. Look at this beautiful lounge and the stone wood fireplace. Oh I wonder what my room looks like. Wow this room is great I’m going to the other rooms.  Look at these wonderful stairs.
By Angela,Honey ‘’K
Mum told me to go look at the back yard I ran outside to the back yard and then….. Wow it’s amazing there's a pool, trampoline and even a fancy tree house I quickly went inside the treehouse to look what was inside it. There was a big TV on the wall and a humongous bean bag to sit on.   
By  Ruben, Dylan, Kahu and Sylvia  
I asked my dad if I could take a walk around the neighborhood he said “ Sure but make sure you’re back early.”
I was thinking of going to the nearest park. But I suddenly saw something. Is that what I think it is? I went up closer,and closer,and closer. It looked sooo amazing. It was a church. This was the first time I had seen an actual church. I was so surprised.
I carried on until I came to the park. This new park is so beautiful, I wish I can go there every day. This new park has a slide and a thing that you can sit on and it can zoom across the air. It has this big thing that can spin around and it kinda looks like a big fat spider web, oooh scary. There is this big object to swing on it, I would call it the monkey swing. There is this other thing and I would call it the spider web of doom and when you pass it there is this cool slide. There are four ways to get up to that path, climbing the ladder, looks like a little spider web ladder, normal ladder, a thing with a rope that you can pull and get up with and another small spider ladder.
Caroline, Brandon, Masiha, Ala
I was walking down the street when I saw a dog, it was one of our neighbours animals. Our neighbour came out of her house, chasing after the four legged creature.This mutt was brown and had a black  fur surrounding one his eye, with an aqua and a navy blue collar that had a name and a number on it.  His name was Cookie. I think his name is cookie because his looks like a cookie.
By: Fardosa, Isabella, Abdul & Honey P
I called back in at home.
As my mum and dad unpacked our luggage and things I went back out for another walk.
That’s when I noticed a shop and began scurrying towards it.
When I entered, I was in heaven.
No one was standing at the counter so I took a pack of lollies and walked outside.
A indian man rushed out and snatched the goodie pack out of my sweaty hands.
“You haven’t paid for this!” he yelled
I was too scared to say something. I was terrified to say anything.
I was frozen with fear. I walked slowly home but I suddenly noticed yet another shop.
This shop was much bigger and was called the New World.
I’ve only been in Mt Roskill for two hours but I would agree it was a ‘New World’.
New World was full of lot’s of different foods. Very different from the food we ate in Lithopia.
Even though I was tempted I didn’t dare touch a thing and ran home quickly.
By: Maasoama & Petera & Presley
“Mum I am going to introduce myself to the neighbours”  I said
“Make sure you come back we are having dinner pretty soon.”  Mum replied.
I had butterflies in my tummy as I approached the neighbor's door.
(Knock Knock and the door opened by a tall boy who looked about my age.
“Kia Ora and Whom would you be?” he asked.
“I am Ceaser your new next door neighbour, and what is your name?”
“My Name is Andrew and this is my mum Maria” said Andrew
“Hope we can have dinner sometime” Andrew suggested.
“Well it was nice to meet you I hope that I can see you again.” I said and I headed back home.  
Ana, Noah, Mayleen
In this Neighbourhood the houses are all 2 stories high. Like mine they are made out of Bricks .
They were tall , big you couldn't believe it. They were amazing the construction of the house was awesome the way it was, my mind was blown away.
By Thomas and Shireen.


Chapter 6 - Mount Roskill

“Holy Moly, that was a long flight!”, I thought as I stepped out of Auckland airport into the fresh, cool air on a sunny Saturday morning. I took my first  deep breath in and inhaled the fresh clean air it was so different to the polluted, dirty air I was used to back in Lithopia. I had already experienced the confusing, magical doors that seemed to miraculously open when I came near, how astounding I thought, as I wondered what other futuristic technology I might experience in this new country. Earlier when we were waiting for our bags at the bag claim my stupid little sister had run off and tried to ride the conveyor belt! It was so embarrassing as dad had to hustle his way through the other waiting passengers to grab her off! Why oh why does she has to be such a pain. We then had to talk to these official looking officers who asked us all sorts of questions about what was in our bags. Apparently it is a crime to bring in fresh fruit so I’m glad I did not pack any.
Anyway, so here I am in my new country, waiting for the taxi to come and take us to our new home in a place called Mt Roskill. I think Mt is short for mountain so I assume there may be some sort of mountain or hill nearby. The taxi pulled up and a nice looking man got out. “Kia ora guys, welcome to New Zealand”, he said as he helped my Dad and I load luggage into the boot. We all plied into the van and set off for Mountain Roskill.  

As we drove along the road I was struggling to take in everything that I was seeing. My eyes were overwhelmed by all the sights. The driver was driving calmly along the not bumpy road and in an orderly way! He  stopped at lights and actually let other cars through. This was nothing like what driving at home was like! I couldn’t believe that he did not use the horn to tell other drivers he was coming, not even once!
The houses we passed looked really nice they had grass out the front and I spotted some kids playing football. My Dad saw me looking longingly and said that he would get me a football as soon as he could afford it.
We passed a building that was called KFC and the taxi driver told us that was awesome kiwi kai, whatever that means!
My sister, as usual, was being annoying babbling on and I tried to tune her out as I took in all the new sights. This is my new home so far away from Litopia. I started to feel nervous again. I knew that starting school was going to be hard, what if the kids didn't like me? What if I was not smart enough and was laughed at? What if nobody played soccer? I tried to push these thoughts to the side as I was not going to be starting school for a few days but they just kept coming back making my stomach churn and feel funny. My thoughts were interrupted by the taxi coming to a halt. “Alrighty fellas, we are here”, announced the taxi driver.

I stepped out of the taxi and looked at my new house.

(Written by Miss Haydon with a little bit of help from Room 15)


Chapter 5 - Heading to New Zealand

We are going to New Zealand on a plane, because NZ is the closest country to us. We never had enough money to go to another country and there are more relatives in NZ than in other countries.
Fardosa/ Abdul
My mum and my dad have  been working a lot and they have  saved a lot of money for this trip.I have also pitched in with paying our flight because I spend half of my money on shopping and I give the rest to mum and dad. My Aunty Emma has also been helping us with paying our flight, even though she is sad to  see us go.
Honey P and Isabella .
My dad is feeling happy that he is coming to New Zealand with me because  he never knew that he was chosen to come.The first reason that  my father  wanted to come was that he didn’t want to stay in a messy apartment.
Mayleen and Khin Hla.
WHY did my little sister have to come! she is driving me crazy with all her screaming and crying on the plane. I’m so embarrassed because everybody is staring at us. My 21 year old brother would of been much better on this plane. I feel sorry for my mum because she has to look after her and EVERYBODY on the plane is looking at her like as if she was a alien. I can’t wait to get off this plane not because I want to get New Zealand but because of my little sister.
Jeevan and Noah.
I feel happy that my 2l year old brother is not coming because he always starts the fights back in Lithiopia and now I am free from his punches. I kinda miss him a little bit but I will see him next time. The rest of my family that are left behind in Lithiopia really helped me and appreciated my help and I really miss them. I wish they could come and I wish that I could get along well with my 21 year old brother.
By Masiha and Brandon
As I was on the plane, I was crying crying that I was leaving my country and family but I was angry that, my little sisters are coming too. New Zealand is the best because Lithopia is the baddest place in the world.
Petera and Presley
I am very excited and sad about my big annoying sister Emily not coming along. I am so confused about whether I should cry or laugh. I think I’m going to rub it in her face. No no I will be sad about her not coming. Actually this is a great advantage for me to get back at her for being mean to me. Every time she phones us I will say this “ Ha ha ha ha ha I flew on a plane! you are left in Lithopia.” Yes thats what I will do!  By: Jumaanah

My grandad would enjoy this but he couldn’t come to see what happens around the sky the oceans and the yummmmy food. I wish my grandad could come. He always makes me happy. My little sister is really angry and sad that my grandad is not coming to New Zealand with us.
Alisi & Tapu’osi.
As I am in the plane right now I am crying to death. But I still feel safe and happy because my six month old baby is sitting right next to me. My mum keeps me and my six month old baby safe.
By Kahuhu & Reuben
I’m feeling a mixture of emotions, I am really excited and happy to live a wonderful life in New Zealand but I’m also feeling devastated and mortified because I’ve left so much of my family behind. A piece of my heart is left behind in Lithopia with my dearest Uncle. I’ve taken photos of our happy times to remind me of him. At Least now, I won’t be growled at by him but I’ll never forget about him, no matter how far I go.
By: Setu & Tina
Disaster struck! My family agreed that the cheeky little monkeys (my twin sisters) MUST come to New Zealand, just because they’re almost in primary and they will get a better education here. Right now Maisy is poking me while Daisy is asking a hundred questions per minute about New Zealand as if I’ve been living in New Zealand all my life!  It’s like a 24 -7 disaster, meaning it’s a problem from day to night time.
I am happy my mum came on the plane to go to NZ  because,she cares for me not only me my family as well. Sometimes I feel embarrassed because she can get a little too much caring like when I leave for school she hugs me in front of my friends while they wait for me.Right now she is hugging me because she is so happy because we are going to live in NZ and live a better life.
By Dylen
My eyes are so sore from crying for the past  5 minutes. I am so sad that I left my cousin Barry , after all I went through with him we had a lot of good times. I feel like I’m stabbing him in the back, I am so happy my 21 year old brother didn’t come, I am so lucky to finally get away from him for the first time in my life.
I am really sad that we left grandma at home in Lithopia . I’m going to miss the way she gives me some lunch money if my mum forgets to make my lunch. I promised grandma that I would come and visit her in Lithopia when I get some money. She said when I come for my visit there would be some freshly made cookies.  
By Honey, Angela
I was hurt when I noticed that aunt Emma won’t be coming with us to New Zealand.But the plane sort of made me feel excited because I have never been on a plane before. I was also a bit disappointed that aunt Emma missed this really cool time on the plane.
By Caroline & Ala


Chapter 4 - My School

We do Reading, Writing, and Maths at school. I love writing because I can create new stories about adventures I would like to happen. I love Art and of course I am really good at sketching. I would like to extend my skills by learning how to use paints and brushes. I love playing soccer and maybe one day I might get spotted by selectors.


Chapter 3 - My Interests and hobbies

I am always trying to help out my friends. Everything that I do my friends are always there to help and support me. I met my  friends while playing soccer on the streets.They are really caring people. One time I was playing with my friend and I accidently hit a window,the kind family that were living in a small little building were not angry but right after the accident there son came out of the house.This boy was very lonely he was the only child in his family so I asked him if he wanted to my friend and he said yes. Now Alex is one of my best friends. They got their window fixed.
Honey p,Setu  ,Isabella & Isaac
Everyday after I do my chores, I get some time to play soccer with my friends and my cousin. When I play soccer my position is a striker. My cousin and my friends introduced me to soccer, from that day on we played and played. When we get any extra time, we play soccer, we also play 4 square by adapting it so we kick the ball to the other squares, instead of bouncing the ball with our hands, Sometimes, when I am alone, I just practice my tricks with the ball. I really enjoy soccer it is my favourite sport.
By Ana, Jeevan, Thomas and Noah
Every night my job is to help my mum cook food for my family.
At about 7:00 o’ clock I make the same food with my mum which is LithoRang (Spaghetti) and I get 50 c when I finish helping my mum. My family really appreciates   my cooking and they really like it.
For fitness I wake up in the morning and I have my normal breakfast. Weet bix is all we can afford. I don’t eat too much because straight after that I go out to do my skipping. I usually do fifty before stopping. I may sound fit but my brothers can do a lot more.
Every type of fitness that I do, I do it with my older brothers.
Our apartment is just by itself. There are no other house close to ours. There’s a concrete walkway that goes right around our house like a roundabout. That’s where I go out for a jog. Sometimes I  sprint but I don’t go very far when sprinting.
By: Maasama, Mayleen, Presley, Petera. Reuben, Kahu
In my spare time I draw magnificent art pieces. I can draw portraits of people. It is my hobby and one day I believe I can be a famous artist. :
Tina, Fardosa, Dylen and Abdul

I am really good at doing portraits. I go around knocking on peoples doors asking if they want a portrait of themselves. I tell them it’s for $10. I tell people if they want 2 portraits then they have to pay me $20  because it takes time to do there own portrait. When I still have time I go and do fittness if I didn’t get any money. Honey.K, Alisi ,Tapu and Angela.

Chapter 2 - My Family

My little baby brother is 6 months old and he is so cute. When he cries he sounds so funny just like a clown. He never stops crying unless he gets what's he wants.
by: Mayleen & Khin Hla.
My big brother is 16 years old his name is  Hunter and he always finds a way to pick on me. I’m dieing to find out what lies behind the door to my brothers room.  He says that it is a man cave and only manly people can enter but I don’t believe he’s not manly at all. I’ve heard him scream all the way from my room “Aaah! spider, spider”. I say that I am very manly but of course he won’t believe me. Then he says “Who jumps in mums bed when thunder strikes. Huh, Huh?”
by: Jumaanah & Tina
My Grandma is the closest person to me. I’m her second favourite Grandchild, her first favourite, is my pesky younger sister , which makes me so jealous.
By Shireen & Thomas
I have a cousin who is so epic ! His name is Barry and me and him LOVE to play sports.  We even like the same things like food and drawing. We love to run around as well and we take each others stuff.
By Jeevan and Noah
My aunt Emma makes me food to eat, and she is precious to me. Auntie Emma would take me to school safely. She is my favourite, loving aunty. After school my auntie would take me home safely. Whenever she has money she would give me the money, so I can buy some lunch when mum forgot to make me some.
Caroline and Ala
My Dad is really kind his name is Josh, he spoils me when I am sad. My Dad is cool, he is the best. You would wish he was your Dad. He helps me all the time, for instance, he helps me on my homework and he helps me with anything I need help with. His personality is helpful and he uses his initiative. His skin tone is brownish and he is strong as well, he has a mustache and a small beard.
By Brandon & Masiha
My mum is the most coolest mum ever to me because she spoils me alot. My mum helps me with my homework, She is a very nice and kind mum. When I don’t feel well my mum gives me a hug. My mum loves me the most out of the whole family.
By: Fardosa & Abdul                                                                  

My Grandad is really kind to me I’m his 3rd favorite, but when I go to his house he has no money. He only prays to god for the food and money and he always takes me to the mountain to pray to god to give food and money to him. He’s a ball of happiness. Thanks to god for my grandad to be alive. He is not allowed to go to church because it’s a secret.
Presley and Petera
My little sister is a big ball of energy. She doesn’t get to clean up ,cook and do all of the chores in the house. She always does the little annoying puppy eyes to get away with everything. She makes me angry! She breaks everything and blames all of the things she broke and blames it all on me and my brother and sister! My sister never pays attention to anything. She always mucks around. She is a real pig when she’s really hungry and when she eats. Crumbles always comes down her mouth!   
By Alisi & Tapu.
My older sister is really annoying.                                                    
She’s always being mean to me and she always bosses me around.
She treats me like I’m her little slave. If I do something to my older sister she will start chasing me around  the house.I hate my sister but sometimes she is a bit nice to me, like when I’m sick she would always give me my medicines.
Sometimes I really like my sister but not all the time. But even though she’s mean I still think she’s a great sister.
By Sylvia & Dylen
My loving uncle is kind nice and helpful but he can be a little irritating at times.He’s my favorite uncle and my only uncle. My uncle gives me a lot of presents. Last christmas he brought me some new shoes, even though we are poor.
By Angela- Honey.K
My 21 year old brother always has fights with my 16 year old brother. They always argue then have nasty fights in their room. I sometimes try to stop the fight but I just get hit back so hard. They are so big and rough like giants. My 21 year old brother never gets along with my 16 year old brother.
By Reuben & Kahu
I have two younger, three year old, twin siblings. They look cute and get along well with each other, maybe just a little too much. They are always up to mischief together and seem to enjoy being cheeky to me. I would describe them as a nightmare dressed as a daydream.
Setu, Maasoama, Honey p


Chapter 1 - My Country

In my country it is so hot that we have to wear ragged clothes. I hate wearing my ragged clothes.We have to go places in bare feet. Being barefoot hurts a lot because our ground is made out of concrete.
Sylvia, Dylen
In the city there isn’t enough concrete to fill in the huge gaps. Sometimes people fall in those gaps and hurt themselves because there isn’t anyone fixing it.
Reuben, Kahu
I live in a horrible apartment in the middle of this polluted city.Our apartment is really filthy and old, we have a little bed which I have to share with my little sister. It’s really hot in the apartment, so we have to open all the windows all the time, but all the polluted gas comes into the room which makes us cough.
Jeevan, Noah
In my country flowers are polluted because the  pollutants are affecting our trees and flowers. It is so bad people are dying. The pollution is killing our kids, birds and many other animals.
Presley, Petera
I live in a country with so many, people. The roads are always blocked and the supermarkets are packed. Everywhere you go, you’ll find yourself surrounded by strangers.Even trying to find my mother in the carpark, is like searching for a slice of cheese in a hay- stack.
The lonely streets are left empty at night because if the big bad police see anyone on the street without a street ticket that you get from the ticket booth 16 kilometers away, they won’t waste time they will just shoot you down.
Jumaanah, Masiha
It is really hot and it is hard for me to find water. While I am in the desert I would travel on some camels if I want to get some water.
Mayleen, Khin Hla
I never get to go to the church because the only people we are allowed to  worship is the cruel and nasty government. The only reason I never get to go to church is because I never got the freedom from the government.
Thomas, Shireen
We use pencil and paper for our education. It is so hard to write with pencil on paper. We don’t have any playgrounds we just run around or play tag.
Caroline, Ala
The food here is sometimes yuck and sometimes yum but usually Dry. We always have Rice with some kind of Deadly meat. It sometimes takes awhile to find some food.
Isaac, Setu
In my country Not many people can find a job and there aren’t that many jobs in the city which means we’re poor.
Honey K, Angela
I am so poor that I have to share my things with my brothers and sisters. My parents cannot afford any new clothes to wear.  I wish that we were rich so my parents can afford new clothes for my whole family.
Fardosa, Abdul

Our Buddy Caesar

Hello! My name is Caesar and I am Room 15's newest buddy!  Over the last few weeks Room 15 have brought me to life, writing my story. We all have a story and I am looking forward to sharing mine with the world.  Room 15 are a digital class so I am pretty excited that I have my own special page on the blog to record my journey.

My story begins in a country called Lythopia where I lived with my family (you can read more about them in the chapters below). Please share your stories in the comments below. Maybe you have come from another country or can relate to some of the things that I share. Remember to to comment in a positive, kind and friendly way.

#caesar #buddydaynz


Wednesday 3 June 2015

Healthy Crepes

Chris taught us how to cook some healthy crepes using vegetables from the school garden.

Kids Can Cook

After we had tasted the crepes we gave the thumbs up or down to show whether we liked the taste or not.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Education Outside The Classroom 

Week 8 Term 1 2015

The Kauri Team were involved in a wide range of activities throughout the week including...

Day 1

A visit to the Mt Albert Wave Pools and Rocket Park.

Day 2

Preparing art boards for painting.

Day 3



Day 4

Rehearsing for the May Road Idol

Day 5

Bike Riding 

Check out Room 15's Children's Blogs for more details- They will be uploaded soon.